College Eats

A blog about my year of purposeful singleness and the one enticing dish I'll make every week to celebrate it.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Late Start

Hi you may be wondering why I decided to purposefully be single for a year. Honestly, its because I want a break from getting hurt and also it gives me a chance to figure out what to do with my post college life. I have one more year at UC Davis and I think I'll always be able to date but I won't have the same type of time I have now to do ... whatever it is I'm suppose to do.

I started being purposefully single on June 20th 2009. So This blog is slightly behind the start date, but all in good fun because true to my nature...I'm late. Something my employers understandibly don't appreciate, but...I feel that I more than make up for my tardiness when I start working.

I love food! One of the main reasons I want to blog about it here. There's so much fun in eating, especially when you're eating something you love! I once listened to this uptight girl say she didn't enjoy eating, and I just wanna say, that she was lying out of her ass. Haha! Not enjoy eating, PUH-lease girlfriend! Who do you think you are?! You're too good to eat like the rest of us?

I dunno guys, nothing beats winding down and sitting down to a good meal with friends or family. I don't do it often, but here's to cooking food for myself and loved ones to eat together!

Tomorrow I'm going to have a Disney movie night with some old friends and I plan on making pesto-tofu lasagna. One of my very dear friends is leaving for USC to do a master's program and I'm very excited for him. Its so fun to touch base with people who you've known for a long time, isn't it? I've known these people for four years and counting...and call me sentimental but I am so glad we got put into the same dorm. I usually move a lot and during the last four years I actually had time to make friends and...well...keep them! So I gotta say I'm really happy about the people whom I've met and become good friends with.

Here's to great friends, :)


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