College Eats

A blog about my year of purposeful singleness and the one enticing dish I'll make every week to celebrate it.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Soon Dubu

Now for one of my ALL TIME favorite dishes, soon dubu.

I eat tofu like no one's business and let me tell you, really like no one's business. xO

Honestly, my last meal on earth would be soon dubu.

Soon Dubu is a chili based soup with tofu, vegetables, an egg and usually a meat of your choice. I nix the meat in my soon dubu. Oh man guys, I LoVe soon dubu. I've asked almost every Korean person I know if they can show me how to make the soup base, but it seems like its a pinch and dash kind of recipe...hard to replicate. So after much rejection one Korean friend finally showed me the light, a soup base in a packet! A packet!!! At first I thought, "man...its in a packet...its not gonna be authentic". But my friend assured me that this soup packet tasted just like how they make soup broth at home. So I bought me some soup base, and I gotta say...its a substanstial stand in for a homemade broth.

The accoutrements for our soup.

Chopped up broccoli, mushrooms, one block of tofu, and one cup of water.

Korean Rice (my fav also). I find it has a smoother texture and heartier consistency.

Chili oil

Chili powder

Mix, mix, mix!

Drop one egg in and boil with lid on.

That's a lot of broccoli!

The color isn't as bright on the broccoli, but don't be fooled into thinking its less delicious. =) It's spicy and makes me feel wonderfully whole when I partake in this meal. ::DROOOOOOL:: >__<

You can find this soup base at Kim's Mart on E street (Davis, CA) for $2.49 in the refrigerator section.


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